SunSPOT Solar and Battery Webinar

Thinking about getting solar?

Do you want to know:

  • What size solar system you should get?
  • How many panels will fit on your roof?
  • How long will it take for a battery to pay for itself in savings?

SunSPOT is able to instantly reveal a suitable system size for the household or business’s needs, a system cost range, the time to pay for itself through savings, and the annual bill savings to be made.

You’ll find out how many solar panels will fit on your roof and SunSPOT will also assess the feasibility of batteries of various sizes.

SunSPOT is not-for-profit and has been developed by the Australian PV Institute and UNSW with the backing of the Federal and NSW governments to help Australians understand what solar and batteries can do for them. It is free and private to use.

Register through the link below for the Australian PV Institute’s webinar on June 13 at 7pm to get an introduction to rooftop solar and how to use SunSPOT.

Get free, independent solar and battery savings estimates with SunSPOT