In Bass Coast, environment groups, community groups, businesses, households, and Council have already taken steps to reduce emissions and prepare to meet the challenges of a changing climate. We have a strong foundation from which to scale up our collective action to achieve the shared vision of a net zero emissions community by 2030.

The Environmental Partnerships Program builds on these strong foundations by recognising and amplifying the skills and expertise that resides in our community to address climate change and other environmental challenges facing our community. Through the program, Council will establish partnership agreements with community organisations to deliver key environmental priorities.

All partnership agreements under this program will comply with Bass Coast Shire Council’s Partnership Policy.

Information Sessions

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Tuesday 13 August 2024 02:00 pm to 03:00 pm

Information Session - In Person

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Tuesday 13 August 2024 05:00 pm to 06:00 pm

Information Session - Online

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Diana Whittington

Coordinator Environmental Partnerships

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